Success Stories

The GSB filed for a guardianship and requested an interim guardianship to expedite housing and community services. The client was homeless and cycling in and out of the Allen County jail and mental health facilities. He has a developmental and mental health dual diagnoses. Due to the collaborative efforts of Probate Court, Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, Allen County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Lima Municipal Court Probation Office, Good Will Easter Seals, and Coleman Health Services the client was placed in an apartment in Kenton, Ohio. In addition, we were able to complete a needs assessment, advocate for medication adjustments, purchase a birth certificate, file for a DD waiver, apply for a payee, apply for food stamps, furnish the apartment, purchase household items, food, and clothing. The client is currently living in a safe and supportive apartment and is adjusting well to the new environment.

The GSB received an emergency referral from Coleman Health Services for a 40-year-old female with a mental health and developmental disability. She was experiencing a medical and mental health crisis. She was diagnosed with a large mass that was invading several organs and causing incontinence. In addition, she was noncompliant with mental health and medical recommendations. This noncompliance was causing a life-threatening situation. She was unable to make appropriate medical and mental health decisions independently. The GSB was appointed guardianship by Probate Court. After this appointment, we were able to collaborate with Coleman, Probate Court, St. Rita’s, St. Vincent, St. Charles, Oak Haven and numerous nurses and physicians. Due to the complexity of the surgery, physicians were not able to do the surgery locally. Arranging the logistics for an out-of-town surgery was a very complicated and long process. After several failed attempts, an oncology surgeon in Toledo, Ohio agreed to do the surgery. The surgery took five hours, and a five-pound mass was removed. This case weighed very heavy on our hearts. We are ecstatic to report a successful outcome. The client is currently living in a safe environment and is medically and mentally stable.